Solusi Tiang Lampu dan Fiber Optik

Fabrikator Pole Fiber Optic & FTTH
Kami menyediakan tiang fiber optic & tiang Lampu Penerangan berkualitas untuk kebutuhan infrastuktur prusahaan anda

Tiang Penerangan Jalan

Kualitas terbaik untuk penerangan jalan dan taman.

Solusi tiang fiber optic untuk jaringan Anda.

Tiang FTTH untuk konektivitas yang lebih baik.

Tiang Fiber Optic
Tiang CCTV

Tentang Kami Sun Flower Fun

Kami adalah pabrik tiang lampu, Tiang FO, Tiang fiber optic, Tiang FTTH, Tiang Listrik, Kanopi, Atap baja ringan, Konstruksi baja, Pabrikasi WF, Pabrikasi H-beam & Besi - Baja siap pasang denga qwalitas dan peforma optimal.

Kami Berlokasi di Bekasi Kota - Jawabarat - Indonesia.

Namu kami juga mencangkup beberapa daerah, kota dan pulau pulau lain nya.

Layanan Fabrikator Besi

Kami menyediakan tiang lampu, tiang fiber optic, dan tiang FTTH berkualitas tinggi.

Tiang Lampu Berkualitas

Menyediakan tiang lampu yang kuat dan tahan lama untuk berbagai kebutuhan.

Metallic pole with mounted floodlights against a clear blue sky. Various rods and fixtures attach the lights to the structure.
Metallic pole with mounted floodlights against a clear blue sky. Various rods and fixtures attach the lights to the structure.
Tiang Fiber Optik

Tiang cctv, Monopole, Counting yang memiliki tinggi lebih dari 9 meter guna memenuhi kebutuhan dalam pantauan dan penerangan untuk lapangan dalam radius luas

Tiang Cctv & Tower serbaguna

Produk tiang fiber optic dengan qwalitas yang telah teruji dan mampu memenuhi standarisasi yang di tentukan

Proyek Terbaru

Kami menyediakan tiang lampu dan tiang fiber optic berkualitas.

A utility pole is wrapped with several coils of thick orange cables. The cables are organized and bundled around the pole with gray clips. There are attached signs and a traffic light visible, suggesting it's an urban setup. The background is a dark night sky with some leafless tree branches partially visible.
A utility pole is wrapped with several coils of thick orange cables. The cables are organized and bundled around the pole with gray clips. There are attached signs and a traffic light visible, suggesting it's an urban setup. The background is a dark night sky with some leafless tree branches partially visible.
Tiang Lampu

Solusi penerangan untuk berbagai kebutuhan proyek Anda.

A tall pole with multiple solar-powered lights and surveillance cameras extending outward against a clear sky. The pole is robust and slender, creating a geometric structure with clean lines.
A tall pole with multiple solar-powered lights and surveillance cameras extending outward against a clear sky. The pole is robust and slender, creating a geometric structure with clean lines.
Tiang FO

Tiang fiber optic untuk jaringan yang lebih baik.

A tall metal pole is viewed from below, extending upwards against a gray sky. The pole is equipped with several ladder rungs and bolts, culminating in a circular arrangement of lights at the top.
A tall metal pole is viewed from below, extending upwards against a gray sky. The pole is equipped with several ladder rungs and bolts, culminating in a circular arrangement of lights at the top.
Tall white poles extend into the sky, each topped with large circular metal structures supported by cables, set against a backdrop of cloudy skies.
Tall white poles extend into the sky, each topped with large circular metal structures supported by cables, set against a backdrop of cloudy skies.
Tiang FTTH

Tiang FTTH untuk konektivitas internet yang optimal.

Fabrikator Steel

Kami ahli dalam fabrikasi tiang dan struktur baja.

Kualitas tiang lampu dan tiang fiber optic sangat memuaskan, pelayanan juga cepat dan ramah.

Andi Setiawan

A tall metal streetlight pole with geometric cutouts stands against a clear blue sky. The pole supports an angled street lamp arm with attached electrical cables spanning across the scene.
A tall metal streetlight pole with geometric cutouts stands against a clear blue sky. The pole supports an angled street lamp arm with attached electrical cables spanning across the scene.
A tall utility pole with multiple wires and cables attached, reaching up against the backdrop of a clear blue sky. The pole appears to be constructed from metal and has a rust color, while the cables are dark and extend horizontally. Near the base of the pole, there is a white cylindrical object.
A tall utility pole with multiple wires and cables attached, reaching up against the backdrop of a clear blue sky. The pole appears to be constructed from metal and has a rust color, while the cables are dark and extend horizontally. Near the base of the pole, there is a white cylindrical object.
